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November 18
1477William Claxton publishes the first dated book printed in England. It is a translation from the French of The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosopers by Earl Rivers.
1626St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome is officially dedicated.
1861The first provisional meeting of the Confederate Congress is held in Richmond, Virginia.
1865Mark Twain's first story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is published in the New York Saturday Press.
1901The second Hay-Pauncefote Treaty is signed. The United States is given extensive rights by Britain for building and operating a canal through Central America.
1905The Norwegian Parliament elects Prince Charles of Denmark to be the next King of Norway. Prince Charles takes the name Haakon VII.
1906Anarchists bomb St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1912Cholera breaks out in Constantinople, in the Ottoman Empire.
1921New York City considers varying work hours to avoid long traffic jams.
1928Mickey mouse makes his film debut in Steamboat Willie, the first animated talking picture.
1936The main span of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is joined.
1939The Irish Republican Army explodes three bombs in Piccadilly Circus.
1943RAF bombs Berlin, using 440 aircraft and losing nine of those and 53 air crew members; damage to the German capital is light, with 131 dead.
1949The U.S. Air Force grounds B-29s after two crashes and 23 deaths in three days.
1950The Bureau of Mines discloses its first production of oil from coal in practical amounts.
1968Soviets recover the Zond 6 spacecraft after a flight around the moon.
1978Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones leads his followers to a mass murder-suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, hours after cult member killed
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